Elijah's World

A blog all about Elijah. Proud Mom and Dad are Melissa & Geoff.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Oh My

The last few days have been a roller coaster of good nights, bad nights. we usually get one good night every few days, but then we suffer through a series of bad nights. His tummy troubles seem to be getting better. But he goes through these phases where he will only sleep for 30-60 minutes at a time. He is feeding on a 4-5 hour schedule which is great.

He got an invitation in the mail to go to a birthday party this Saturday. I'm a little nervous about the prospect. I can never be sure how he'll be. He may be happy to just be, or he may be the screaming baby who can't be appeased. I think we'll go, even though it's an hour drive out there. It'll give Daddy time to do his own thing (run, clean the house, watch kung-fu).


  • At 8:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thats a great idea, i think you should go. it will be fun and maybe, just maybe, he is a party animal!!! lol!!!


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